How & Why to Move from One Host to Another Host Provider – Website Migration

When it comes to website migration, the main goal is to switch from one hosting provider to another or upgrade server infrastructure while minimizing downtime for end-users. This process involves transferring all website data, including files, databases, and configurations, from the old host to the new one. To ensure a smooth migration: Start by planning and preparing for the migration process. Create backups of all website data, document custom settings, and choose a suitable time for migration when traffic is low. Coordinate with your domain registrar to update DNS records to point to the new host. This step directs traffic to the new server. Transfer website files from the old host to the new one using FTP or migration tools provided by hosting providers. Export databases from the old host and import them into the new one, updating database settings as needed. Install necessary software and configure sub-domains on the new host to match the old settings. Thoroughly test the website on the new host to ensure functionality and performance are intact. Monitor the website post-migration for any issues and address them promptly. By following these steps and leveraging migration tools, you can migrate your website with minimal downtime and ensure a seamless transition to the new hosting provider.

Migrating from One Host to Another Host –

#1 Complete the Transfer before Cancelling

It’s common for web server administrators, especially those new to web hosting transfers, to contact their old hosting provider in advance to request cancellation of services. While it’s important to inform the previous provider about the transfer, doing so before the complete transition can lead to downtime and potential loss of database information and files.

#2 Plan before Calling

When a client replies to a web hosting company to avail of a prorated refund of remaining fees, the hosting company often cancels the hosting plan immediately. However, this also means that all uploaded data on the servers will be virtually destroyed, with no chance of retrieval for transfer to a new hosting provider or shared hosting plan within a reasonable time frame. To prevent this, it’s crucial to transfer all files before canceling the existing hosting plan. After successfully transitioning the website to the new host and ensuring it runs smoothly for a few days, you can then proceed to cancel the old hosting plan.

#3 Download your Backup files

To retrieve your backup files, access cPanel and download all website files and database information in a compressed format. In cPanel, go to the “Backup” section in the settings and control panel pages. This area includes backup tools for the “public_html” folder and subdomains. Look for the “Download Backups” option and navigate to the relevant cPanel administration page. Here, choose from various backup options like full-site backup, subdomain backups, and individual MySQL databases. Keep the downloaded backup files compressed until securely transferring them to the new host server. Decompress the backups only after they’re safely transferred.

#4 Undertaking the transfer

Before DNS propagation, the new web hosting provider receives an email containing IP address details and domain name servers. These IP addresses are essential for viewing the website’s content, accessing individual FTP accounts, and the cPanel administration interface before making changes. If the email doesn’t provide a specific cPanel link, you can add “/cpanel” or “:2082” to the IP address to gain administrative login privileges. After logging in, go to the “Backup Downloads” page and use the “Backup Restore” feature. Note that database backup files don’t include passwords, usernames, and permissions for MySQL databases. You’ll need to manually enter this information in the MySQL Databases interface in cPanel. Also, make sure to add necessary passwords, users, permissions, and any system file edits by logging into the FTP account using the site’s IP address.

#5 Switching to the new name servers

As the system administrator, access the domain registration control panel and navigate to the “Domain Name Servers” section. Here, you’ll find the current web host information displayed as:


Replace these with the updated name servers provided by the new host. It typically takes 12 to 24 hours for DNS changes to propagate. During this time, both the new and old websites should function properly without any visible downtime or failure.

Final Word

Tech Guru IT Solutions is your go-to solution for Migration. With almost two decades of experience, Tech Guru IT Solutions has been assisting client organizations in optimizing their IT operations through a range of dedicated hosting services. Our industry expertise, dedication, and unmatched experience have positioned us as one of the leading data center companies in India. No matter if you require  any IT service we have got you covered. To learn more about our services, fill out our contact form or call +91-8800567676 or email